Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty

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ESG: Reducing Stomach Without Surgery

Exploring the Apollo Endosleeve 

A Comprehensive Guide to Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG)

The Apollo Endosleeve, or Apollo Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG), represents a significant advancement in obesity treatment, offering a less invasive alternative to traditional weight loss surgeries. This innovative procedure utilizes a device that stitches the stomach from the inside, effectively reducing its size without any external incisions. This method is particularly advantageous as it minimizes risks and accelerates recovery times, making it an attractive option for individuals with a body mass index (BMI) of 28 or more who have struggled with weight loss through diet and exercise alone.

How ESG Works

ESG works by reducing the stomach’s capacity, which helps to control hunger and limit food intake. During the procedure, a specialized suturing device, known as Overstitch, is inserted through the mouth using an endoscope—a flexible tube equipped with a camera. The endoscope allows the surgeon to visualize the stomach’s interior and place approximately 12 sutures that shrink the stomach’s volume by up to 80%. The entire process takes about an hour and is performed under general anesthesia to ensure patient comfort.

Advantages of ESG

One of the primary benefits of ESG is its non-surgical nature. Unlike traditional bariatric surgeries, ESG does not involve making any external cuts, which significantly reduces the risk of complications and promotes quicker recovery. This minimally invasive approach also means patients typically experience less postoperative pain and can resume normal activities sooner.

Additionally, ESG requires a shorter hospital stay. Most patients are able to go home the same day after a brief period of observation. In some cases, an overnight stay might be necessary, but this is relatively rare.

Suitability for ESG

ESG is typically recommended for individuals who have a BMI above 28 and have not been successful with other weight loss methods. It is especially suitable for those who are not candidates for more invasive bariatric surgeries. However, ESG is not appropriate for everyone. Patients must undergo a thorough screening process to ensure they do not have contraindications such as significant digestive tract bleeding, large hiatal hernias, or previous stomach surgeries.

Moreover, candidates for ESG must be committed to making substantial lifestyle changes. Long-term success with ESG hinges on adhering to a healthy diet and engaging in regular physical activity. Post-procedure, patients are often required to attend regular medical check-ups and behavioral therapy sessions to support their weight loss journey.

The ESG Procedure in Detail

The ESG procedure is straightforward and typically lasts about 90 minutes. Performed under general anesthesia, the process begins with the insertion of the endoscope through the mouth into the stomach. The endoscope’s camera provides real-time images, guiding the surgeon as they place the sutures to reshape the stomach into a smaller, tube-like structure. This reduction in stomach volume helps to limit calorie intake and promote a feeling of fullness with smaller amounts of food.

After the procedure, patients spend some time in a recovery room where they are monitored for any immediate complications. Most patients can return home the same day, though some may need to stay overnight for additional observation.

Post-Procedure Care and Diet

Following ESG, patients must adhere to a specific dietary regimen to facilitate healing and optimize weight loss. Initially, patients are restricted to a liquid diet for about two weeks. Gradually, they can transition to semi-solid foods and eventually resume a normal, healthy diet within a month.

Regular follow-up appointments with healthcare providers, including nutritionists and psychologists, are essential to monitor progress and address any issues. These appointments help ensure that patients maintain healthy eating habits and make necessary lifestyle adjustments to support long-term weight loss.

Expected Results and Long-Term Outcomes

The results of ESG have been promising, with many patients experiencing significant weight loss. Studies have shown that patients can lose an average of 15-18% of their initial body weight within 12-18 months post-procedure. For instance, one study reported that individuals with an average BMI of about 38 lost approximately 39 pounds (17.8 kilograms) in six months, while those with a higher BMI of around 45 lost about 73 pounds (33 kilograms) in the same timeframe.

Moreover, ESG has been shown to improve or even resolve obesity-related health conditions. Patients have reported improvements in gastroesophageal reflux disease, heart disease, high blood pressure, severe sleep apnea, and type 2 diabetes. In one notable study conducted at King Saud University, ESG was found to cure all cases of high blood pressure and improve 70% of type 2 diabetes cases among participants.

However, it is important to note that long-term success with ESG depends on the patient’s commitment to maintaining healthy lifestyle changes. As with any weight loss procedure, there is a possibility of weight regain if patients do not adhere to the recommended diet and exercise guidelines.

Risks and Considerations

While ESG has a strong safety record in early studies, it is not entirely without risks. Some patients may experience pain and nausea for a few days following the procedure, which can usually be managed with medication. There is also a small risk of complications, such as gastrointestinal bleeding or infection, although these are rare.

Another consideration is that ESG is reversible and can be converted to other bariatric surgeries if necessary. This flexibility is beneficial for patients who may require additional weight loss interventions in the future.

Preparing for ESG

Preparation for ESG involves several steps, including undergoing lab tests and medical evaluations to ensure eligibility for the procedure. Patients may need to follow specific pre-procedure instructions regarding diet, medication, and exercise. Planning for recovery is also crucial, as patients may need assistance at home during the initial days post-procedure.

Cost of ESG

The cost of ESG can vary depending on factors such as location and individual medical history. Generally, the cost is comparable to that of surgical weight loss procedures due to similar hospital, surgeon, and anesthetist fees. At our center, the current price for ESG is £5750, which is competitive considering the expertise and affordability we offer. Contact Us


The Apollo Endosleeve, or Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG), is an innovative and effective option for individuals struggling with obesity. This non-surgical procedure offers numerous benefits, including reduced risks, faster recovery times, and significant weight loss results. While ESG requires a commitment to healthy lifestyle changes, it provides a valuable tool for those who have been unable to achieve lasting weight loss through traditional methods. As research continues to evolve, ESG holds promise as a long-term solution for weight management and the improvement of obesity-related health conditions.

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